Thursday, March 5, 2020

Top 10 Application Mistakes

Top 10 Application Mistakes Teach Away’s Placement Coordinators receive a high volume of applications every day. You want to make sure your application stands out â€" but not in a bad way!   Below is a list of friendly reminders of common mistakes on Teach Away applications.   Read over this list before you submit your application:Check that your resume and cover letter are up to date and not addressed to another school or company that you have applied for.Title your resume and other files so that they include what type of file it is and your name.   For example, you should title your resume something like “JaneSmith_Resume.”   Just titling it “resume” or “CV” will lack clarity.Ensure that you capitalize any proper nouns: your name, address, country, street, degree name, etc.Make sure that you do not enter the current date in the line asking for your birthday.Clarify whether experience that you list is practicum, student teaching, or certified experience.Your profile picture should be professional looking and clear. Make sure that it is only one picture and does not include anyone else other than yourself.When uploading files, make sure that you match the file type to the file that you upload.   Be careful not to set a resume as a profile picture or vice versa.Be careful about including acronyms that you are not familiar with. Stating that you have PYP or IB experience â€" when in fact you do not â€" will only hurt your chances! As a rule of thumb, if you are not certain whether you have a certain type of experience, it probably means that you do not.Also be careful that you only check off AP or A levels if you have experience teaching courses at that level. Do not check these off if you only have experience taking these courses as a student.Fully complete all the sections such as degree, education, and experience, even if the information is already listed on your resume.   Those sections help recruiters to find your application and are used when sending your application ove r to our partners.Give yourself every chance to be successfully recruited and not have your application overlooked. Good luck applying! Ciara Hamagishi is a Placement Coordinator at Teach Away Inc.Complete your profile to apply for jobs with 1-click now

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